7dtd navezgane map a15
7dtd navezgane map a15

Zedphage is highly virulent to the original host as a means to an end to arrive at a “Reboot” organism in which Vector transmission can occur - limited only by the resilience of the host tissue to decay. Zedphage is highly transmissible via multiple methods: Respiratory, Direct Contact, Fluid, Fecal-Oral, Vertical, Iatrogenic, and Vector (as a Reboot) Post-Reboot (the fully compromised host): in this state the higher reasoning host brain is dead, autonomic instinctual functions remain.īoth warm and cold blooded species can be infected, however some species have shown either immunity or exceptional resistance: turkey vultures, hyenas, naked mole rat, poikilothermic creatures (fish, amphibians, reptiles), and most smaller ectotherms - however they can still carry the Zedphage without manifesting any symptoms, so care must be taken in preparing any such creatures for food.Late-cycle (lasts a few hours without a modern intensive care unit): Paralyzation, Coma leading to “Reboot”.In either presentation, the central nervous system is progressively compromised, causing increasing paranoia, aggression, unprovoked attacks, and other violent uncharacteristic behaviors.


In some cases inability to swallow and coughing are not present or at least as dominant, but instead widespread infectious skin ulcers are manifest, other symptoms remain the same.Mid-cycle (lasts anywhere from a handful of hours to a couple days) : Confusion, increased saliva production, increasing inability to swallow leading to weight loss, loss of sensation/pain reception, chronic coughing increasing in severity and with blood tinged sputum.Early onset (within a few hours after infection, lasting from a day up to a week) – Fever, headache.“Reboot” (death of reasoning host) follows within approx. So early onset symptoms will occur within a handful of hours and ramp up rapidly thereafter. Incubation period – virtually none, the Zedphage is a bacterial virus mutation. This is entirely conjecture…just a thought exercise.

7dtd navezgane map a15